Prior commencement of a voyage a ship master is by law and in practice ultimately responsible for the correct stowage of the cargo.
He must take all parameters such as, but not limited to, the following when deciding on which tanks
to use for the stowage of a particular cargo;
- Stress, stability, trim and list
Certificate of Fitness (check the list of chemicals attached to the certificate and confirm that
the ship is certified to carry the cargo)
- IBC/BCH Code to be referenced and the carriage requirements of the cargo noted along with
IMO classification etc
- Charterer’s requirements for the cargo
- If more than one tank is required, the total volume of the tanks chosen should as near as
possible be the same, but not less than, the total volume of cargo, keeping dead space and
ullage to a safe minimum.
- Certificate of Class to be cross-checked for ensuring chosen tanks have sufficient strength
for high density cargoes
- Tank coating compatibility
- Heating requirements
- Heat adjacent restriction for the cargo
- Cargo sensitivity to adjacent tanks being heated or hot water washed
- Compatibility of different cargoes in adjacent tanks or common cargo piping, pumping or
ventilation systems
- Last cargo compatibility; permission by charterers received especially when loading
vegetable oils (FOSFA rules). Tank cleaning requirements
- Shipping Documents for each cargo to load
- MSDS for each cargo
- Antidotes and Toxic Gas detectors for the cargoes being handled as applicable
- Crew familiarity with the cargo to be handled
Cargo Quantities
The cargo quantities are planned by the Master and checked in relation to the voyage orders with
regard to:
- Loading capacity (load calculation)
International Load Line Zones in trading area
- Sheer force and bending moment stresses during the various stages of loading and
- Draft and passage limitations en route, canals and in ports of destination
Filling limits of cargo tanks
Filling limits of cargo tanks is due to:
1) Load density limit of cargo tanks against cargo density
2) Density of cargo at maximum voyage temperature or discharge temperature against load
3) IBC code limit of cargo quantity for ship Type 1 and 2 tanks.
4) FOSFA restrictions for minimum filling limits (>60% volume in order to consider last cargo)
The filling limits of the cargo tanks due to temperature variations and overfill limits shall be complied
with as per IBC code. In additions vessel shall comply filling limit restrictions due load density limits
of cargo tanks as per Certificate of Class and Stability manual.
Cargo Quantity Options
Abbreviations are used in the instructions expressed as percentages and as follows:
- MOLOO : More or less Owners option
- MOO : More Owners option
- LOO : Less Owners option
- MOLCO : More or less Charterers option
- LCO : Less Charterers option
- MCO : More Charterers option
- MIN/MAX : Exact quantity
Cargo equipment defects
It is the Master’s responsibility to inform the management office immediately regarding any cargo
equipment defects which might influence cargo stowage. This is to prevent cargo commitments
being made to which cannot be adhered to as a consequence of these defects.
Stowage Limitations of Cargo Tank Structure and Fittings on Chemical Ships
Attention should be paid to stowage limitations due to cargo tank structures and their fittings, i.e.
the specifications of a cargo tank will limit product weights and quantities which can be loaded in
that tank. Refer to ship specific Certificate of Fitness, also the BCH/IBC Codes, for lists of cargoes
and tank types suitable for their carriage.
Oil and Hazardous Material Transfer Procedure
Prior to each transferring of oil or hazardous cargo to or from the vessel and from tank to tank
within the vessel the Chief Officer has to prepare and submit to the Master for approval an Oil or
Hazardous Material Transfer Procedure as required by 33 CFR 155.720. The contents of Transfer
Procedure should comply with the requirements detailed in 33 CFR 155.750.
Typical voyage orders will contain the following elements:
- Voyage
- IMO ship’s type number
- Rotation (Loading –Discharge ports)
- Cargo quantity, commodity and options
- Charterer’s requirements for tank preparation for next cargo
- Wall wash requirements
- Load port and discharge port
- Specific gravity of the cargo at 20°C.
- Heating instructions
- Inerting, Padding and/or purging instructions
- US Coast Guard number and pollution category
- C/P date
- Laycan (Laydays and cancelling date)
- Special requirements by charterers
- Special characteristics of ports/berths
- Stowage proposal by Charterers
- Bunker proposals
- Any additional relevant information.
- Tank cleaning information
The Master must advise the management office of any doubt, disagreement or inability to comply,
with the instructions.

Fig:Product tanker bow mecca
It is the responsibility of the Master to plan equipment and supplies for the intended voyage such as,
but not limited to the following:
- Bunkers and lubricating oils
- Nautical publications
- Safety equipment
- Provisions and tank cleaning freshwater, domestic freshwater
- Shipping document for the cargo to be loaded
- Cargo care material
- Tank cleaning chemicals and equipments
- Cargo safety equipment- PPE, Toxic Gas detectors tubes for the cargoes to be
- Demiwater (distilled water) if required
- Additional medicines (for cargo) and antidotes
- Nitrogen as required.
- Cargo heating.
- Wall-wash equipments and chemical reagents
The following reference publications provide useful information :
- SOLAS (latest consolidated version)
MARPOL 73/78 (latest consolidated version)
- International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Manuals (ISGOTT)
- ICS Chemical Tanker Safety Guide
- Procedure and Arrangements Manual (Approved by Class)
- Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
- Certificate of Class (re tank strength for high density cargoes)
- Ship’s “VEC System Operating Manual” (Approved by Class)
- BCH/IBC Code
- CFR 33 Parts 124 to 199
- Guide to Port Entry
- Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum)
- Safety in Oil Tankers
- Safety in Chemical Tankers
- IMDG Code
- Supplement to IMDG Code (Including MFAG and Ems)
- Clean Seas Guide for Oil Tankers
- FOSFA (for Oils, Seeds and Fats)
- Tank Coating Manufacturer’s Compatibility Lists
- Prevention of Oil Spillage through Cargo Pumproom Sea Valves
- CHRIS (Chem Hazardous Response Info Systems) Guide (USCG)
- USCG Chemical Data Guide for Bulk Shipment by Water
- MSDS for particular cargo carried
- Tank Cleaning Guide
Related Info:
Cargo handling safe practice for chemical products
Ship & terminal pre-loading meeting prior
loading /discharging
Cargo compatibility and reactivity of various chemical cargo
Poisoning and required first aid treatment onboard
Determining presence of contaminants
in chemical cargo
Checklist for handling dangerous liquid chemicals in bulk
Main Info pages!
Home page |||
Chemical hazards |||
Cargo planning & Stowage |||
Cargo loading
Cargo documents
Safe stability
Cargo care
Preparation for unloading
Inert gas systems
|||Gas freeing
Nitrogen handling
Chemical handling Safe practice
|||Handling equipments
Cargo & Ballast pumps
Cargo tanks
|||Tank cleaning
|||Special cargoes
|||Spills emergencies
|||Fire protection is merely an informational site about various aspects
of chemical tankers and safety tips that may be particular value to those working in: Chemical Handling, Chemical Storage,
Liquefied Chemical Suppliers, Chemical Shipping, Chemical Transportation, Chemical Terminals, Bulk Chemical Services and
Chemical Processing. If you are
interested in finding out more about chemical tanker guideline please visit IMO official website. For any comment please
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