Phenol are high value and require sophisticated handling for safety, health and loss prevention reasons. They need careful consideration prior loading , tank coating compatibility, cross compatibility with other cargoes carried, environmental controls if required (inerting).
Product characteristics of Phenol:
PHENOL is carried at sea in a generally pure state. As a result, it has a high freezing point of
approximately 40~ 41deg C.
PHENOL is also extremely dangerous when it comes into contact with the eyes or skin and can be
Phenol is used to manufacture phenolic resins, and in the pharmaceutical industry. In past, phenol
has been used in disinfectants in hospital operating theatres, due to its ability to destroy germs,
body tissue etc. Other Names: - Carbolic Acid, Monohydroxy Benzene
Code minimum requirement
- UN number : 2312
- Pollution category : Y
- Hazards Safety and pollution hazard : (S / P)
- Ship type : 2
- Tank type : Integral and Gravity tank
- Tank vents : Controlled venting
- Tank Environment : No
- Electrical equipment : T1,iiA,flashpoint exceeds 60 deg
- Gauging : Closed
- Vapour Detection : Toxic vapours
- Fire Protection : Alcohol resistant foam or multipurpose foam
- Material of construction : Nil
- Respiratory and eye
protection :
Special arrangements for carrying Phenol
- All personnel engaged in PHENOL operations must be familiar with the procedures for
dealing with accidental discharges and emergency first aid procedures, as outlined below.
- Sufficient Draeger tubes must be available before PHENOL is loaded. When determining a
“sufficient” number, the following criteria should be taken into consideration.
- Number of tanks to be loaded
- The possibility that each tank may have to be tested at least twice before a safe
entry permit can be issued.
- ROB and expiry dates of tubes already on board as held in the “Draeger Hand Book”.
- The main hazard caused by PHENOL is that of the liquid coming into contact with eyes or
exposed skin. The potential lethal consequences of even a small area of exposed skin or
the eyes being splashed cannot and must not be underestimated.
- The only chemical antidote available, POLYETHYLENE GLYCOL, must be immediately
available at the manifold, along with a quantity of cotton wool. Should anybody come into
contact with PHENOL, the glycol should be swabbed liberally onto the affected area. It
should be borne in mind that the pain is intense and death can occur within 30
minutes. After swabbing down, the emergency shower must be used, with the patient
remaining in the shower for at least 5 minutes.
- After the minimum period, the patient should then use his own shower for a further period
of time, whilst shore assistance is requested. There is a high risk of shock and the patient
must be reassured at all times.
- Cargo hazard data sheets must be posted and non-essential personnel must be kept clear
of the operating area. Access to the vessel should be from behind the manifold and all
persons must be made aware that PHENOL operations are to be conducted. If all
procedures are followed, then operations will pass uneventfully.
- If the vessel is to load Phenol, a ship specific procedure and safety plan is to be drawn up,
and discussed with the office prior agreeing on quantities and loading plan. The ship
specific procedures should highlight any vessel design issues in relation to the cargo nature.
Preparation for loading Phenol
- Prior arrival load port, tanks nominated for the carriage of PHENOL must be cleaned for
Water White Standard. Some shippers might require Methanol Standard.
- All hose/pipe connections must be tested with high pressure nitrogen before commencing
any operations to ensure connections are tight.
- All joints must be of PTFE and all leaks rectified before commencing cargo operations.
Loading PHENOL is a closed operation. When configuring lines for loading PHENOL, facilities
must be available at the manifold to blow nitrogen through all lines used and back into all
tanks loaded.
- Tanks to be loaded should have ballast removed from underneath and heating coils must
be opened once product has fully covered the coils. The PHENOL must be carried at
temperatures within charterers instructions, typically between +45 and + 60 degrees
centigrade. If cargo is presented at the discharge port at a temperature greater than 10
deg C above the freezing point, then there will be no need to undertake prewashing.
- A full cargo heating log must be maintained.
- The fire main must be pressurized throughout, with monitors/hoses ready at all times.
- Steam and hot water should be available at any time during the loading operation in order
to unfreeze lines, valves or vent pipes.
- Heating coils for any additional Low Flash cargo onboard should be blanked.
- Stowage to be planned to minimize number of loaded tanks. This will in turn minimize the
use of common (Jumper hose, “U” piece, “Y” piece) line. The main aim behind this being
avoidance of spread of solidifying cargoes into unwanted areas of pipeline where they
might solidify due to low ambient temperatures and blowing through after loading may not
be very effective. Any leaking line valve might further aggravate the situation.
- To use common line for phenol handling is not preferred.
- To use deck heaters with single valve segregation towards common line is not sufficient as a barrier.
Topping Off
- Wherever possible, tanks being loaded must be topped off as quickly as possible in
sequence to prevent lines freezing.
- Loading rates to each tank must be adjusted to minimize the chances of product freezing in
the lines before they can be blown.
- When tanks with individual lines and manifolds are being loaded, consideration may be
given to completing and blowing each tank as a separate entity, depending on time
restrictions, shore facilities, charterers instructions etc.
Line Blowing
Effective and mandatory blowing of cargo lines should be carried out immediately upon completion
of loading. In case that loading is stopped for any reason, the vessel should be prepared and ready
to blow the cargo lines immediately back to the tank from the manifold. If cargo tanks are fitted
with a drop line great care must be taken to load simultaneously part of the cargo
through the pump stack in order to prevent blocking of the cargo line between the
delivery valve of the pump and the drop line valve.
1. High pressure nitrogen must be used for blowing cargo lines.
2. Controlled blowing must be conducted until the line to the tank is free from PHENOL. It
may well take some 10/15 minutes of blowing each line until the lines are clear. The lines
can be “tapped” using a small hammer or spanner. If a clear bell type ring is heard, then
the lines should be clear. A dull “thunk” indicates that product is in the line and may already
be frozen.
Note: the opposite side (of manifold crossover) to loading connection will be solidified and
must be externally heated.
Closed sampling system should be used.
Hot water / steam have to be available during sampling in order to unfreeze a blocked
sampling point.
Phenol is very easily discoloured. This will happen when stored for a long time, and will be
accelerated by heat.
If the discoloration has started, it will continue regardless of any action, but note above.
At least the following samples must be retained onboard in addition to any samples for
Shore tank(s) sample(s)
Shoreline sample
- Start sample at vessel's manifold.
- First foot sample.
- Full tank sample after loading.
1. Once loading has commenced, it must not be interrupted unless absolutely essential. If
loading is interrupted, lines must be blown using the line blowing procedure outlined. Rates
to individual tanks should be adjusted to facilitate quick and effective topping off, without
risk to personnel, the environment and the ship’s cargo system.
2. All tanks to be loaded must have adequate ventilation. As PHENOL freezes at +40oC,
personnel must be aware that there is a possibility that vent lines may become blocked
should the vapour freeze.
3. It should also be realized that during loading operations, PHENOL vapour will be released
into the atmosphere during loading and can fall as snow. Depending on ambient weather
conditions, including wind direction and strength, there will always be a real risk that
PHENOL may be deposited over a large area of the vessel, including gangways, flying
bridge, deck access etc.
1. Once the lines have been blown, hoses can be disconnected and blanked. During the
loaded voyage, flexible hoses should be disconnected, along with any sections of “non
permanent pipework” i.e. reducers, “Y” pieces, crossovers etc.
2. There are no special carriage requirements for PHENOL, other than ensuring that the cargo
temperature is maintained in accordance with charterers heating instructions. If no specific
heating instructions are supplied, the cargo should be kept at a temperature of
approximately +55oC or advice sought from the office.
3. The PHENOL must be carried at temperatures within charterers instructions, typically
between +50 and + 60 degrees centigrade. A full cargo heating log must be maintained.
Discharging Phenol
1. Due to its high freezing point, vapour lines, pressure/vacuum valves, pump stack valves and
deck tank sumps etc. may be blocked due to frozen product. Care must be taken during the initial
stages of discharge to ensure that all are unblocked by applying either external live steam or hot
water and then;
a) Product is moving and being discharged.
b) Tank ventilation is effective for the discharge rate.
c) If there is any doubt, the discharge rate should be slowed down. If discharge has to be stopped,
then dry air or nitrogen must be available immediately to blow and clear lines.
2. The fire main is to be pressurized before commencing discharge and throughout all cargo/tank
cleaning operations. The anchor cables can be used to bleed pressure, whilst the system is in
standby. Foam/water cannons are to be directed over the cargo handling/manifold area throughout
the operation.
3. If the cargo is to be discharged in parcels, then the following precautions must be made,
prior to completing a parcel.
a) Nitrogen must be available to immediately blow all lines back to the tank(s) being
discharged. Lines must be blown until the chief officer is satisfied that the lines are clear.
b) Upon completion of a tank/cargo, a tank dry certificate must be issued immediately, due
notice must be given to the receiver’s representative to ensure that he/she is on board and
in position prior to completion of cargo.
c) The minimum number of tanks and lines to be used for each parcel. Once the tank dry
certificate has been issued, lines must be blown until the chief officer is completely satisfied
that the lines are clear.
4. Upon completion of blowing, the immediate area should be drenched with sea water to
wash away any residual product that may remain.
5. Water should be introduced in to the empty tank as soon as possible to sufficiently cover
the heating coils. This can be done by either using a fire hose (WITHOUT A NOZZLE) or a
butterworth machine (WITHOUT A TANK WASHING MACHINE). Once the water is in the
tanks and covering the coils, the coils are to be opened. This will have two effects.
a) Any ROB will be diluted to commence reducing the adverse effects of the cargo and to
reduce its freezing point.
b) The diluted product will be heated to avoid any freezing of pump sumps and lines, which
will enable tank cleaning operations to be carried out.
*N.B. / It has been reported that an exposed area of less than 2 square inches can be
6. Should there be a major leakage; the area should be drenched by using the water cannon.
Shore Authorities should be advised if a major spillage occurs.
Cleaning operation
1. PHENOL is a category “Y” substance and depending on the discharge temperature, should
be pre-washed in accordance with MARPOL requirements (Solidifying Substances).
2. Procedures for pre-washing are as follows:
On completion of discharge, tank dry certificate to be issued by receivers.
- Float gauges to be raised and placed in “sea condition” to prevent damage.
- Lines to be blown with Nitrogen.
- 1 portable washing machine to be prepared for each tank to be pre-washed.
- Water washing temperature to be at least +60°C. (PHENOL becomes miscible in
water at +60°C). Wash for 1 circle of machine.
- Washings to be transferred to shore reception facilities. (Pre-washing slops can
be transferred to a nominated temporary slop tank whilst reception facilities are
being prepared).
3. Once pre-washing has been completed, the Cargo Record Book must be endorsed properly,
or a certificate attached to the relevant page.
4. Regardless of whether or not tanks have been pre-washed, all tanks used for the carriage
of PHENOL must be tank cleaned in accordance with the requirements of MARPOL Annex II
substances, as a minimum and prepared for the next cargo. Any instructions regarding
special cleaning procedures supplied by the charterers must be followed and the
washing/cleaning procedures detailed in the vessel’s tank cleaning log book. The following
should be regarded as a minimum.
5. Prior to washing, the water temperature should be raised to at least +80 deg C and all
butterworth openings utilized.
6. At least two complete cycles, with 3-5 drops, to ensure all tank surfaces are covered
7. Fresh water rinsing
8. Vent, mop and dry.
9. A tank entry certificate must be completed before any entry into a cargo tank.
Phenol handling more safety guide
Hazards of Phenol - safe handling of Phenol on chemical tankers. Phenol is derived from the basic raw materials of benzene and propylene. Phenol is typically a solid at room temperature as it solidifies at 41°C (106 °F). Plywood, window glazing, DVDs, computers, automotive parts and LCD/LED TVs are some of the many items that rely on this important raw material.
Marine transportation of Phenol and more safety guideline
The lack of care and attention against the handling of Phenol may be involved in accidents which can be damaged to crew, cargo or structures.
handling Phenol safety precautions PHENOL is carried at sea in a generally pure state. As a result, it has a high freezing point of approximately 40~ 41deg C. PHENOL is also extremely dangerous when it comes into contact with the eyes or skin and can be fatal.
We have summarized below some of the special chemical cargoes frequently carried onboard chemical tankers
Related info:-
Loading, discharging & care of Phenol - Safety guideline
PHENOL is carried at sea in a generally pure state. As a result, it has a high freezing point of approximately 40~ 41deg C. PHENOL is also extremely dangerous when it comes into contact with the eyes or skin and can be fatal.
Hazards of Phenol - safe handling of Phenol on chemical tankers.
Phenol must be carried at temperatures within charterers instructions, typically between +50 and + 60 degrees C. Heating instructions of the Shipper or Owners must be followed to avoid protests and delays in the port of discharge. Overheating can damage this cargo. A full cargo heating log must be maintained.
Handling benzene & methanol safety precautions
Benzene is known as a strong carcinogen and known to cause leukaemia. When handling cargoes with more than Benzene concentration of 0.5%, the Master is to ensure that all personnel involved are aware of the long term hazards.
Personal protective equipments for carcinogens & cyanide-like cargoes onboard chemical tankers
A carcinogen is a substance that may cause cancer by contact or by inhalation. It is therefore essential that the highest safety precautions are taken when handling these cargoes. Access to deck areas must be restricted to duty personnel only. All accommodation doors and ports must be closed and ventilation put on recirculation. Any member of crews involved in cargo operations must wear chemical protective suits and breathing apparatus
Handling ACRYLONITRILE safety precautions
ACRYLONITRILE are high value and require sophisticated handling for safety, health and loss prevention reasons. They need careful consideration prior loading , tank coating compatibility, cross compatibility with other cargoes carried, environmental controls if required (inerting).
handling ISOCYANATES safety precautions
Product safety data sheets may be available from various sources. For safety preparation, until the specific product safety data sheet can be obtained, Chemical Data Guide for Bulk Shipment by Water (U.S. DoT), should be used.
Loading, carrying & discharging of Sulphuric acid - regulatory requirements & special handling methods
IBC code compatibility chart strictly prohibits water in adjacent compartment to Sulphuric acid as you are aware if both come in contact with each other will generate a violent reaction. It is therefore recommended that the during loading of sulphuric acid adjacent ballast tanks to be always stripped dry to the maximum efficiency of the deballasting equipment used.
Following detail pages explain all liquid chemical hazards & precautionary measures while carrying at sea.
- Toxicology and associated hazards onboard chemical tankers
- Hazards of vapour given off by a flammable liquid while carrying at sea
- Reactivity of various noxious liquid chemicals
- Most corrosive chemicals carried onboard chemical tankers
- What is putrefaction process of liquid chemicals ?
- Specific gravity,Vapour pressure and boiling point,Electrostatic charging & measuring Viscosity
- General precautions onboard chemical tankers
- Mooring precautions onboard chemical tankers
- Berth precautions onboard chemical tankers
- Cold weather countermeasures, avoiding electric storms
- Restriction on using radio equipments and other mobile devices in cargo working areas
- Handling precautions for carcinogens or cyanide-like substances
- Means of access (gangways or accommodation ladders) safety precautions
- Preparations for hot work and safety precautions
- Precautions against static electricity
Following reference publications provide useful guidance and international regulations for carrying hazardous chemicals at sea.
- SOLAS (latest consolidated edition)
MARPOL – 73/78 (latest consolidated edition)
BCH / IBC Code
International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT)
Tanker Safety Guide (Chemicals)
Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum)
Safety in Oil Tankers
Safety in Chemical Tankers
Supplement to IMDG Code (Including MFAG and Ems)
Clean Seas Guide for Oil Tankers
FOSFA (for Oils, Seeds and Fats)
Prevention of Oil Spillage through Cargo Pumproom Sea Valves
Chemical Data Guide for Bulk Shipment by Water (Condensed Chris)
MSDS for particular cargo carried
Chemical Tank Cleaning Guide
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|||Fire protection is merely an informational site about various aspects
of chemical tankers and safety tips that may be particular value to those working in: Chemical Handling, Chemical Storage,
Liquefied Chemical Suppliers, Chemical Shipping, Chemical Transportation, Chemical Terminals, Bulk Chemical Services and
Chemical Processing. If you are
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