Benzene is a natural part of crude oil and gasoline. It is
a widely used chemical in many industrial processes including plastics, resins, synthetic fibres, lubricants,
rubbers, dyes, detergents, drugs and pesticides.
Benzene is IMDG Class 3, U.N. 1114. A highly flammable colourless or light yellow liquid chemical with a sweet
odour. Evaporates very quickly and its heavier-than-air vapour may sink into low-lying areas. Dissolves
only slightly in water and will float on top of water.
Benzene is known as a strong carcinogen and known to cause leukaemia.
When handling cargoes with more than Benzene concentration of 0.5%, the Master is
to ensure that all personnel involved are aware of the long term hazards. Below safety precautions are useful for handling benzene
- This cargo should be stored in sealed containers which
must be in good condition and will not allow escape of
vapours or liquids.
- Its hazardous properties are that it is colourless, clear
characteristic odour, boiling point of 5 degC, flashes below
melting point of minus 11 deg C.
- Fire-fighting techniques for this substance are that water
spray, CO2, dry chemical or foam extinguishers can be
used. Self-contained breathing apparatus sets should be
used, as prolonged exposure can have chronic effects.
- Medical effects:
On contact will cause redness and irritation
is absorbed through skin
will cause nausea, headaches and vomiting
high exposure will cause unconsciousness and death.
- Treatments after physical contact:
On contact, contaminated clothing must be
removed immediately
area contaminated should be washed for at least ten
minutes with fresh water and, if there are signs of
burns, wash for a further ten minutes
keep a close eye on the patient for at least twenty
four hours
if burns are severe and extensive, shore side should
be contacted for medical advice.
Warning signs are to be posted at the
gangway and on the offshore side near the manifold stating the following text:
Safety guards against Benzene loading & gas freeing operations
The following precautions must be given to the crew in connection with Benzene loading and gas
freeing operations:
- All doors leading from the outside to the accommodation and to the engine room should
be kept closed during these operations. Only one door on the windward side/nearest to
the cargo control room is to be used as an access.
All doors inside the accommodation shall be kept closed during the operations.
- The ventilation to the accommodation shall be stopped / recirculated and the fire flaps
kept closed.
- Vapour concentrations on deck shall be measured prior to any work being undertaken.
- The crew working on deck shall wear appropriate protective equipment.
- Only work related to cargo handling is allowed on deck.
- Presence of personnel in the engine room shall be kept to a minimum during these
- Bring no working clothes into the accommodation.
For details regarding the minimum safety standards for ships carrying Benzene, reference is to
be made to MSC Circular 10945.
Methanol hazards
Methanol is extremely toxic and if ingested, or inhaled, can cause a wide range of harmful
effects from sickness, heart and liver damage to reproductive harm, blindness or even death.
It can also be absorbed through the skin.
Methanol is very flammable. The pure liquid catches fire easily and aqueous solutions
containing a significant amount of methanol can also catch fire. The flame from burning
methanol is virtually invisible and it is therefore not always easy to tell whether a methanol
flame is still alight.
Methanol is often a component in “bootleg” liquor (illegally brewed and distilled alcoholic
beverage) and there have been numerous cases in the past in which the consumption of such
a drink has been fatal or resulted in blindness.
Personal Protective Equipment
All tankers designated for carriage of dangerous chemicals in bulk must have on board
suitable protective equipment and clothing for the protection of crew involved in cargo
handling and tank cleaning operations. The types and quantities of protective equipment as well as additional
safety equipment should be in a strict compliance with requirements of IBC/BCH Code.
All ships carrying dangerous cargoes should have on board medical first-aid equipment,
including oxygen resuscitation equipment and antidotes for cargo carried in compliance with
recommendations listed in IMO -–MFAG (Medical First Aid Guide) and WHO – IMGS
(International Medical Guide for Ships).
Related info:-
Loading, discharging & care of Phenol - Safety guideline
PHENOL is carried at sea in a generally pure state. As a result, it has a high freezing point of approximately 40~ 41deg C. PHENOL is also extremely dangerous when it comes into contact with the eyes or skin and can be fatal.
Hazards of Phenol - safe handling of Phenol on chemical tankers.
Phenol must be carried at temperatures within charterers instructions, typically between +50 and + 60 degrees C. Heating instructions of the Shipper or Owners must be followed to avoid protests and delays in the port of discharge. Overheating can damage this cargo. A full cargo heating log must be maintained.
Handling benzene & methanol safety precautions
Benzene is known as a strong carcinogen and known to cause leukaemia. When handling cargoes with more than Benzene concentration of 0.5%, the Master is to ensure that all personnel involved are aware of the long term hazards.
Personal protective equipments for carcinogens & cyanide-like cargoes onboard chemical tankers
A carcinogen is a substance that may cause cancer by contact or by inhalation. It is therefore essential that the highest safety precautions are taken when handling these cargoes. Access to deck areas must be restricted to duty personnel only. All accommodation doors and ports must be closed and ventilation put on recirculation. Any member of crews involved in cargo operations must wear chemical protective suits and breathing apparatus
Handling ACRYLONITRILE safety precautions
ACRYLONITRILE are high value and require sophisticated handling for safety, health and loss prevention reasons. They need careful consideration prior loading , tank coating compatibility, cross compatibility with other cargoes carried, environmental controls if required (inerting).
handling ISOCYANATES safety precautions
Product safety data sheets may be available from various sources. For safety preparation, until the specific product safety data sheet can be obtained, Chemical Data Guide for Bulk Shipment by Water (U.S. DoT), should be used.
Loading, carrying & discharging of Sulphuric acid - regulatory requirements & special handling methods
IBC code compatibility chart strictly prohibits water in adjacent compartment to Sulphuric acid as you are aware if both come in contact with each other will generate a violent reaction. It is therefore recommended that the during loading of sulphuric acid adjacent ballast tanks to be always stripped dry to the maximum efficiency of the deballasting equipment used.
Following detail pages explain all liquid chemical hazards & precautionary measures while carrying at sea.
- Toxicology and associated hazards onboard chemical tankers
- Hazards of vapour given off by a flammable liquid while carrying at sea
- Reactivity of various noxious liquid chemicals
- Most corrosive chemicals carried onboard chemical tankers
- What is putrefaction process of liquid chemicals ?
- Specific gravity,Vapour pressure and boiling point,Electrostatic charging & measuring Viscosity
- General precautions onboard chemical tankers
- Mooring precautions onboard chemical tankers
- Berth precautions onboard chemical tankers
- Cold weather countermeasures, avoiding electric storms
- Restriction on using radio equipments and other mobile devices in cargo working areas
- Handling precautions for carcinogens or cyanide-like substances
- Means of access (gangways or accommodation ladders) safety precautions
- Preparations for hot work and safety precautions
- Precautions against static electricity
Following reference publications provide useful guidance and international regulations for carrying hazardous chemicals at sea.
- SOLAS (latest consolidated edition)
MARPOL – 73/78 (latest consolidated edition)
BCH / IBC Code
International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT)
Tanker Safety Guide (Chemicals)
Ship to Ship Transfer Guide (Petroleum)
Safety in Oil Tankers
Safety in Chemical Tankers
Supplement to IMDG Code (Including MFAG and Ems)
Clean Seas Guide for Oil Tankers
FOSFA (for Oils, Seeds and Fats)
Prevention of Oil Spillage through Cargo Pumproom Sea Valves
Chemical Data Guide for Bulk Shipment by Water (Condensed Chris)
MSDS for particular cargo carried
Chemical Tank Cleaning Guide
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|||Fire protection is merely an informational site about various aspects
of chemical tankers and safety tips that may be particular value to those working in: Chemical Handling, Chemical Storage,
Liquefied Chemical Suppliers, Chemical Shipping, Chemical Transportation, Chemical Terminals, Bulk Chemical Services and
Chemical Processing. If you are
interested in finding out more about chemical tanker guideline please visit IMO official website. For any comment please
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